tisdag 20 december 2011

Det här kommer jag att leva på länge ;).

Hey, My sweet angel,

I love your smile on your profile picx,You just make me feel so good.I will call you honey, darling, sweetheart...You are the best, you are amazing!

On this note,I love everything about you, inward and outward,You keep my spirits so high when i gaze my eyes on your angelic beauty.I really amdire your happy smile and your loving face,I adore your style. What can I say, you’re one of a kind and 24/7 you’re every man's attraction.

Awwww I cannot express your beautiful smile,there is no words in the dictinonary to qualify the nature of your beauty.You so desirable,so charming extremely amazing.

I can’t wait to see the best of u and behold your Loving face one day.

(Inte varje dag man får ett sånt här kärleksmail. Haha. Mannen som skrivit detta är tydligen bosatt i Miami. Hur han fann mig på fb är en gåta.)

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